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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 89 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordInnotech Rehabilitation Products

Map RecordInnotech Rehabilitation ProductsWaubaushene Canadian manufacture of patented EmbraceAir back supports * Motion medicine healing cream

Map RecordJennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity

Map RecordJennifer Ashleigh Children's CharityUxbridge Financial support for families who have a child with a serious illness or permanent disability. Our programs are: * wellness - specific therapies, adaptive trikes, medication and medical supplies not ... [More]

Map RecordCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Map RecordCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of OntarioToronto Downtown Central Provincial medical regulatory board * investigates complaints relating to doctors' services or conduct * physician search available on website

Dietitians of Canada -

 Dietitians of Canada - UnlockFood.caToronto Downtown Central Consumer health website with a special focus on nutrition and health * articles and resources on website Topics include: * child/toddler nutrition * meals and nutrition for vegetarians * weight and he ... [More]

Map RecordOntario Poison Centre

Map RecordOntario Poison CentreToronto Downtown Central Toll-free telephone information and advice about potential or real exposures to poisonous substances * services available daily 24 hours and in more than 170 languages * collects information on poison ... [More]

Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health Care Connect

 Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health Care ConnectToronto Downtown Central Ontarians can receive assistance finding a family physician or nurse practitioner accepting new patients through the phone service (not available over chat) Register for Health Care Connect and a nurs ... [More]

Map RecordOvarian Cancer Canada

Map RecordOvarian Cancer CanadaToronto Downtown Ovarian Cancer Canada champions the health and well-being of women with ovarian cancer and others at risk of this disease by * advocating for and advancing research to develop new treatment options a ... [More]

Map RecordCrohn's and Colitis Canada, Mailing Address, Northern Ontario

Map RecordCrohn's and Colitis Canada, Mailing Address, Northern OntarioToronto The only national nonprofit, volunteer-based charity focused on finding the cures for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and improving the lives of children and adults affected by these diseases ... [More]

Heart and Stroke, Mailing Address

 Heart and Stroke, Mailing AddressToronto Raises funds for research and education to reduce death and disability from heart disease and stroke * runs fundraising year round * February is Heart Month and June is Stroke Month * callers can use ... [More]

Map RecordEpilepsy Ontario [Central East], Stouffville, York Region Branch

Map RecordEpilepsy Ontario [Central East], Stouffville, York Region BranchStouffville Provides education for individuals living with epilepsy and the people affected by it, services include: * a multimedia library * information packages for schools * information and referral, advocacy ... [More]

Map RecordAction CIND

Map RecordAction CINDRamara Service provided are to advance the recognition, treatment and support services for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) * Raising awareness * Advancing research * Develops education ... [More]

Map RecordPatient / Client and Family Council, Penetanguishene

Map RecordPatient / Client and Family Council, PenetanguishenePenetanguishene Nurtures hope and discovery by supporting the recovery journey of people affected by mental health and addiction challenges and their families of choice by: * providing peer support and working direct ... [More]

Map RecordWaypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Penetanguishene - 500 Church St - Toanche Bldg, Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

Map RecordWaypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Penetanguishene - 500 Church St - Toanche Bldg, Psychiatric Patient Advocate OfficePenetanguishene Provides patient advocacy and rights advice services as well as systemic advocacy and public education * Assists patients with resolving individual or systemic issues * Seeks to resolve issues that a ... [More]

Map RecordTetra Society of North America, Mailing Address, Northern Ontario Chapter

Map RecordTetra Society of North America, Mailing Address, Northern Ontario ChapterOro-Medonte Engage skilled volunteers to design and build custom assistive devices for people with disabilities * provide increased access within households - kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms - and other environm ... [More]

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Orillia, Unit 400 Orillia

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Orillia, Unit 400 OrilliaOrillia Provides veterans with a place to socialize * charitable work for community * connect veterans with appropriate agencies in community * have wheelchairs and walkers to lend out when available ... [More]

Map RecordAvail Medical, Cannabis Clinic, Orillia

Map RecordAvail Medical, Cannabis Clinic, OrilliaOrillia Assists individuals in obtaining medical marijuana to treat their condition or illness * Assesses potential patients and provides a medical marijuana prescription for those who qualify * Offers assist ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicOrillia Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Blood Services, Orillia - No Physical Address, Blood Donor Services

Map RecordCanadian Blood Services, Orillia - No Physical Address, Blood Donor ServicesOrillia Book appointments through central toll free number. Blood donor clinics at the Mariposa Inn, 400 Memorial Ave. Refer to website for dates, locations and times. A Life Bus can be provided to any busine ... [More]

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, Couchiching Family Health Team

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, Couchiching Family Health TeamOrillia Primary care services for disease management and prevention, rehabilitation, palliative care and health promotion. Services also include: * Primary care practioners (ie: family doctors, nurse practiti ... [More]

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, Wellness Series

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, Wellness SeriesOrillia Practical information sessions that provide tools to manage life's stressors. Workshops include * Assert Yourself! * Introduction to Meditation * Pillow Talk: Insomnia Workshop * Relaxation Workshop ... [More]

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Thrive / Resilience Group, Orillia - Memorial Ave

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Thrive / Resilience Group, Orillia - Memorial AveOrillia Offering an educational group for adults who wish to develop and maintain optimal health and well-being. Participants will learn about: how the mind, brain, and body work together; how to use the mind ... [More]

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Coldwater Community Centre, EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Coldwater Community Centre, EarlyON Child and Family CentreOrillia Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learni ... [More]

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - St Bernard's Catholic School, EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - St Bernard's Catholic School, EarlyON Child and Family CentreOrillia Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learni ... [More]

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - West St N, EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - West St N, EarlyON Child and Family CentreOrillia Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learni ... [More]

Map RecordFittons IDA Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy and Opiate Addiction Treatment

Map RecordFittons IDA Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy and Opiate Addiction TreatmentOrillia Services: * Prescription and over the counter drugs * Opioid Replacement Therapy (Methadone/Suboxone) * Compliance Packaging * Immunization (Flu and travelling vaccination) * Medication Review * Smok ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia First Aid

Map RecordOrillia First AidOrillia Provides First Aid, CPR and other safety programs to residents and businesses in Orillia and the surrounding area. Courses: * Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED Training Emergency First Aid w ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Lions Club

Map RecordOrillia Lions ClubOrillia Supports local community organizations through fundraising activities. Financial help is provided to individuals in the community for health needs where other avenues of assistance are not available - ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Native Women's Group

Map RecordOrillia Native Women's GroupOrillia Programs and services include: * Prenatal classes * nutrition information * traditional birth * traditional parenting * breastfeeding support * hospital/home visit * community kitchens * parenting gro ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W, Pediatric Diabetes Education Program

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W, Pediatric Diabetes Education ProgramOrillia Inpatient and outpatient pediatric diabetes education in a multidisciplinary team approach.

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W, Simcoe Regional Kidney Care Program

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W, Simcoe Regional Kidney Care ProgramOrillia Regional Kidney Care Program located at Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Kidney Care Clinic * Pre-dialysis clinics and education sessions * Helps patients and families choose the best treatment whe ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 25 Museum Dr, Couchiching Health at Home

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 25 Museum Dr, Couchiching Health at HomeOrillia Clinical Healthcare Management and Navigation, Personal Care, Rehabilitation, Respite and Homemakeing services.

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 25 Museum Dr, Suite 175, Adult Diabetes Education Centre

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Orillia - 25 Museum Dr, Suite 175, Adult Diabetes Education CentreOrillia Inpatient and outpatient diabetes education delivered by a team of health professionals * Individual session or teaching modules in a group setting * All diabetes types (type 1 and 2, gestational and ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Immunization Program

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Immunization ProgramOrillia Publicly funded vaccines are offered at clinics located in all health unit offices for residents of Simcoe Muskoka only * provide vaccines for infants, children, youth and adults who are eligible or ... [More]

Map RecordVON Canada, Orillia - Front St S, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)® Exercise and Fall Prevention Classes

Map RecordVON Canada, Orillia - Front St S, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)® Exercise and Fall Prevention ClassesOrillia SMART Program * offers exercise classes to community members 55+ who wish to improve their strength, balance and flexibility, regardless of current physical ability * program is available in many Ret ... [More]

Find a Registered Assistive Devices Vendor, Online Service

 Find a Registered Assistive Devices Vendor, Online ServiceOntario The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) helps people with long-term physical disabilities pay for customized equipment, which must be purchased from authorized, registered vendors. The provincial website ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Celiac Association

Map RecordCanadian Celiac AssociationMississauga Support for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Midland, EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Midland, EarlyON Child and Family CentreMidland Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learni ... [More]

Map RecordGeorgian Bay Native Friendship Centre, Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living / Healthy Kids

Map RecordGeorgian Bay Native Friendship Centre, Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living / Healthy KidsMidland Healthy Living program helps community members to: * increase their levels of physical activity and cardiovascular health * become smoke-free * increase their knowledge of nutrition * develop healthy ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Gravenhurst Branch - 5 Pineridge Gate, Dental Screening and Dental Clinics

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Gravenhurst Branch - 5 Pineridge Gate, Dental Screening and Dental ClinicsGravenhurst Emergency, essential and preventive dental care to eligible children, adults and seniors based on services covered under publicly funded dental programs * Services are offered at clinics in Barrie an ... [More]

Ontario. Ministry of Health, Trillium Drug Program

 Ontario. Ministry of Health, Trillium Drug ProgramEtobicoke Provides funding to cover the costs of prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary/Exceptional Access Program to Ontario residents who have high prescription drugs costs in relatio ... [More]

Map RecordGood Comfort Homecare

Map RecordGood Comfort HomecareCollingwood Personal Homecare Services: * Companion Care - Care for occasional, flexible, short-term companionship: Friendly visits, social outings, help with light housekeeping, shopping, and daily activities. ... [More]

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Jarratt Hall Community Centre, EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Jarratt Hall Community Centre, EarlyON Child and Family CentreColdwater Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learni ... [More]

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Mnjikaning Arena Sports Ki, Annual Health Fair

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Mnjikaning Arena Sports Ki, Annual Health FairChippewas of Rama First Nation A themed, annual fair committed to improving the health of the community through a variety of ways, such as providing healthy lifestyle tips and information about various diseases. * Information booth ... [More]

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Rama Rd

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Rama RdChippewas of Rama First Nation Services include: * Dr. Rachael Sheppard MD, CCFP (Thu) * immunizations * chiropody clinic (Tue, Thu) * dietitian (weekly) * naturopath (monthly) * massage therapist (monthly) * prenatal classes ... [More]

Map RecordHelp A Girl Out

Map RecordHelp A Girl OutBrampton Outreach programs are available to support individuals experiencing period poverty. Volunteers are welcome. Provides menstrual products to those in need. Offers educational workshops, events and othe ... [More]

Map RecordAGTA Home Health Care Simcoe County

Map RecordAGTA Home Health Care Simcoe CountyBarrie Homecare and nursing services * Registered Nursing Services * Motor Vehicle Accident Care * Complex Care/ Catastrophic Injury Care * Spinal Cord Injury Care * Home Support Services * Homemaking - meal ... [More]

Map RecordAlzheimer Society of Simcoe County, Barrie

Map RecordAlzheimer Society of Simcoe County, BarrieBarrie Provide information, education and support for persons living with dementia and their care partners. The following programs and services are offered: * Navigation (connects individuals newly diagnose ... [More]

Map RecordAlzheimer Society of Simcoe County, Barrie, Education Programs

Map RecordAlzheimer Society of Simcoe County, Barrie, Education ProgramsBarrie Education programs for persons living with dementia, care partners, professionals and the general public: * Taking Control of our Lives, an 8-week self management group * Next Steps * Care Essentials ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicBarrie Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Akwe:go Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Akwe:go ProgramBarrie Akwe:go (Mohawk meaning All of Us) Program is designed to provide comprehensive services to urban Indigenous at-risk children between the ages of 7 - 12 with the support, tools and healthy activities ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Indigenous Health Outreach

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Indigenous Health OutreachBarrie Health Outreach Workers combine traditional and mainstream programs and services designed to improve health and well-being of Indigenous individuals, families, communities and Nations and reduce fami ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Urban Indigenous Healthy Living

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Urban Indigenous Healthy LivingBarrie Supports the health and well being of Urban Indigenous people through: * fitness, nutrition and smoking cessation programs * healthy lifestyle guidance, providing tools to prevent health issues ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin ProgramBarrie Wasa-Nabin (Ojibway meaning 'To Look Ahead') Program is designed to provide comprehensive services to urban Indigenous at-risk youth between the ages of 13-18 with the support, tools and healthy acti ... [More]

Map RecordBartimaeus, Simcoe County - Mobile service

Map RecordBartimaeus, Simcoe County - Mobile serviceBarrie Child and youth services: Experienced Child and Youth Counsellors (or equivalent) with a minimum of 5 yrs experience to provide: * consultation * support * respite * program planning and implementati ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Blood Services, Barrie, Blood Donation Centre

Map RecordCanadian Blood Services, Barrie, Blood Donation CentreBarrie Offices and permanent blood donor centre located here * By appointment only * Also operating mobile blood donation events at various locations throughout the region, contact ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka Branch, Prevention and Safety, First Aid, CPR, Water Safety, Psychological First Aid

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka Branch, Prevention and Safety, First Aid, CPR, Water Safety, Psychological First AidBarrie Introductory and advanced courses for individuals and groups. Courses may be in-class, virtual or blended (in-class and virtual). Courses held at various locations. * First Aid and CPR * Psychological ... [More]

Map RecordCARP, Barrie - Mailing Address, Barrie CARP Chapter

Map RecordCARP, Barrie - Mailing Address, Barrie CARP ChapterBarrie National, non-partisan, nonprofit organization committed to advocating for people as they age, in matters affecting their rights, well being and welfare * members eligible for a range of products, ser ... [More]

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie OfficeBarrie Provides services to improve the lives of people with special or unique needs by engaging and advocating for essential community services and supports * provides case management * advocate for integra ... [More]

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)Barrie National program supporting families, young parents or Newcomers to Canada with children 0-6 years of age who are currently living on a low income: * CAPC's hosted programs are MotherCare, Baby Steps ... [More]

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, MotherCare Prenatal Program (Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program - CPNP)

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, MotherCare Prenatal Program (Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program - CPNP)Barrie Program focuses on healthy eating during pregnancy, pre and postnatal wellness, breastfeeding and newborn care * Free weekly virtual program helping to promote healthy pregnancies in a friendly and s ... [More]

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, Next Step Program

Map RecordCatulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, Next Step ProgramBarrie Free weekly virtual program that promotes and supports a healthy start for kids in Simcoe County in a friendly and supportive virtual drop-in environment: * Supports families by providing nutrition, ... [More]

Map RecordClosing the Gap Healthcare, Barrie

Map RecordClosing the Gap Healthcare, BarrieBarrie Designated OHIP insured physiotherapy services in clinics, and in the community, including homes, schools and long-term care facilities. Services at Barrie office include: * Physiotherapy * Occupatio ... [More]

Map RecordDaisy A Day Home Care, Barrie, Daisy Acres Assisted Living

Map RecordDaisy A Day Home Care, Barrie, Daisy Acres Assisted LivingBarrie Safe short term or long term stays. Includes: * 3 meals per day * Laundry * House keeping * Personal hygiene * 24 hr attended care * Cable and internet are included * Individualized activities * Whee ... [More]

Map RecordDeaf Access Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie Central Office, Community Support Services

Map RecordDeaf Access Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie Central Office, Community Support ServicesBarrie Provide support and equal access to information, education, resources and services from within the community promoting healthy independent living. Services can be provided in person, virtually or a co ... [More]

Map RecordDeaf Access Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie Central Office

Map RecordDeaf Access Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie Central OfficeBarrie Works alongside culturally deaf, oral deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people of all ages, their families, and the community throughout the region to increase access to local recreational, education ... [More]

Map RecordDown Syndrome Association of Simcoe County, Mailing Address

Map RecordDown Syndrome Association of Simcoe County, Mailing AddressBarrie Provides support and information to families with a Down syndrome member by offering: * social events and programs including bowling, dances, Taekwondo, holiday parties, summer picnics, craft and coo ... [More]

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg M - Room M141, Oral Health Clinic

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg M - Room M141, Oral Health ClinicBarrie Students from Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene and Denturism programs offer preventative oral health care for members of the community * all services follow professional standards and current infecti ... [More]

Map RecordGilbert Centre for Social and Support Services, Barrie Office

Map RecordGilbert Centre for Social and Support Services, Barrie OfficeBarrie Provides social and support services and health services to empower, promote health, and celebrate the lives of people living with and affected by HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infe ... [More]

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical Address

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical AddressBarrie A grassroots, volunteer-led, charitable organization working to disrupt the cycle of poverty by providing programs that reduce barriers and support the mental health, growth, and development of schoo ... [More]

Map RecordIndependent Living Services Simcoe County, Barrie

Map RecordIndependent Living Services Simcoe County, BarrieBarrie Assists adults and seniors, with physical disabilities or limitations, in Simcoe County and area, to live independently Services include: * Personal Support * Assisted Living Support * Homemaking * H ... [More]

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, Barrie - Sperling Dr

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, Barrie - Sperling DrBarrie Health care services available to accommodate at home, at school, and in the community, as well as access to supported living programs and long-term care Care coordinators work with people in the com ... [More]

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, Barrie - Sperling Dr, Telehomecare

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, Barrie - Sperling Dr, TelehomecareBarrie Telehomecare supports patients living with conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure (CHF) through health coaching and remote monitoring * patients a ... [More]

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, No physical location, Reimbursement for Eligible Expenses for Medical Supplies

Map RecordOntario Health atHome, No physical location, Reimbursement for Eligible Expenses for Medical SuppliesBarrie Ontario Health atHome is aware some patients have experienced issues with the distribution of medical supplies. Patients, their families and caregivers should not have to incur the cost of purchasing ... [More]

Map RecordPBO Group, Barrie, Prosthetics, Bracing, Orthotics

Map RecordPBO Group, Barrie, Prosthetics, Bracing, OrthoticsBarrie Make orthopedic appliances, artificial limbs and braces * offers regularly scheduled Orthotic and Prosthetic clinics in Barrie and Owen Sound * in addition to clinics, service is also offered, by appo ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - Rotary Place, 2nd Floor, David and Catherine Hudson Regional Cancer Centre, Rotary House Lodge

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - Rotary Place, 2nd Floor, David and Catherine Hudson Regional Cancer Centre, Rotary House LodgeBarrie Located adjacent to the cancer centre, providing accommodation for out of town cancer outpatients of the Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Centre If visiting the hospital: * See Visitor Information * Se ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Indigenous Patient Services

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Indigenous Patient ServicesBarrie Provides support to Indigenous patients throughout their healthcare journey. Their team is committed to fostering a welcoming environment. Recognizes and respects the unique health needs and cultural ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Patient and Family Experience Office

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Patient and Family Experience OfficeBarrie Assist with patient and family concerns related to the delivery of care at the health centre * help patients and their families navigate through the current health care system and work to resolve dis ... [More]

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Canadian Dental Care Plan

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Canadian Dental Care PlanBarrie Helps ease financial barriers to accessing dental care for eligible Canadian residentswith an annual adjusted family net income of less than $90,000 who do not have access to dental insurance. A ... [More]

Map RecordServiceOntario, Barrie - Bayfield St, Barrie (Bayfield St) Service Counter

Map RecordServiceOntario, Barrie - Bayfield St, Barrie (Bayfield St) Service CounterBarrie Access to wide range of Ontario government services, staff assistance, information and referral Over 55 services are available online, see Renew Products Online for more information Driver and Vehicle ... [More]

Map RecordServiceOntario, Barrie - Simcoe St, Barrie (Simcoe St) Service Counter

Map RecordServiceOntario, Barrie - Simcoe St, Barrie (Simcoe St) Service CounterBarrie Access to wide range of Ontario government services, staff assistance, information and referral Over 55 services are available online, see Renew Products Online for more information Business Registrat ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Barrie - 80 Bradford St, Dental Screening and Dental Clinics

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Barrie - 80 Bradford St, Dental Screening and Dental ClinicsBarrie Emergency, essential and preventive dental care to eligible children, adults and seniors based on services covered under publicly funded dental programs * Services are offered at clinics in Barrie an ... [More]

Map RecordSpinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East], Barrie, Barrie Regional Office

Map RecordSpinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East], Barrie, Barrie Regional OfficeBarrie Assists people with spinal cord injury (injuries) and other physical disabilities achieve independence, self-reliance and community participation, services include: Service Navigation - Providing pra ... [More]

Map RecordSt John Ambulance, Barrie Simcoe Muskoka, First Aid Training

Map RecordSt John Ambulance, Barrie Simcoe Muskoka, First Aid TrainingBarrie First Aid and CPR training programs for workplace, home and the community, courses offered include: * CPR, Standard First Aid, Emergency First Aid, Automated External Defibrillation (AED) * WSIB appro ... [More]

Map RecordVON Canada, Barrie - Lakeshore Dr, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)® Exercise and Fall Prevention Classes

Map RecordVON Canada, Barrie - Lakeshore Dr, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)® Exercise and Fall Prevention ClassesBarrie SMART Program * offers exercise classes to community members 55+ who wish to improve their strength, balance and flexibility, regardless of current physical ability * program is available in many Ret ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Cancer Society, Mailing Address, Cancer Information and Transportation Service

Map RecordCanadian Cancer Society, Mailing Address, Cancer Information and Transportation Service  The Simcoe Muskoka office of the Canadian Cancer Society has shut down. For information and support call Ontario Office/Cancer Information Service at 1-888-939-3333. Canadian Cancer Society office, se ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Communication Devices and Interpreting Services

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Communication Devices and Interpreting Services  Provides services to increase the independence of people who are culturally deaf, oral deaf, deafened CHS Interpreting & Translation Services (OIS) * professional sign-language interpreters * set fee ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Hearing Care Counselling Program

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Hearing Care Counselling Program  Provides communication and hearing health support services to enable people with a hearing loss carry out daily living activities independently, safely, and with reduced communication difficulties Ser ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Sound Advice Sessions

Map RecordCanadian Hearing Services, Sound Advice Sessions  Series of free virtual workshops, held via Zoom providing participants the opportunity for personal input, peer support and social interaction WORKSHOP TOPICS INCLUDE: * Week 1: Introduction to Hearin ... [More]

Map RecordWe Are Warriors! - Canadian MS Collective, Online / Web Service

Map RecordWe Are Warriors! - Canadian MS Collective, Online / Web Service  Bringing people together from across Canada that are living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) through Facebook * provides information about research for an understanding of MS and how it impacts individual ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.