General Topics and Information - Central East

Service: Health Cards - Lost, Stolen, Renew, or Change of Address, Overview, Various Locations

Record #: CWD2744
Last Full Update: 05 Jan 2021


Public Comments Your local MPP's office could be contacted for assistance in emergency or unusual situations


Office Phone 1-800-664-8988, To replace an unexpired lost, stolen or damaged photo health card, call ServiceOntario
Toll Free Phone 1-866-532-3161, ServiceOntario INFOline
TTY Phone 1-800-387-5559
Hours Online: Mon-Sun 24 hours
In person: check website for hours of local Service Ontario location.

Description and Service

Description (Service) Lost, Stolen or Damaged Health Card

Call ServiceOntario INFOline or visit a ServiceOntario Centre to report your lost, stolen or damaged health card.
  • If the lost, stolen or damaged card is a photo health card, you will be sent a new one right away, except if there are changes to your address or name, then additional documentation/information is needed. Call ServiceOntario, or check ServiceOntario website
  • To replace your lost, stolen or damaged red and white health card, individual will have to register for a photo health card. To register, go to your local ServiceOntario centre (some locations require an appointment for Health Card services) or call ServiceOntario for more information.

    You will need 3 separate original documents:
    • Canadian birth certificate, Canadian citizenship, or immigration status document
    • current document with home address (eg. Ontario driver's licence, utility bill, etc)
    • document with your name and signature (eg. credit card, SIN card)

    You may be asked for additional documents. For example, if your name has changed you may need to provide a marriage certificate or a change of name certificate.

If you find your reported lost or stolen health card, keep it only until your new card arrives and then destroy it as it will no longer be valid. Make sure you have your new photo Health Card before you destroy the old card.

To renew a health card
  • In person, bring
    • your health card
    • your renewal reminder with the completed Health Card Renewal Form (on back of reminder). Renewals are mailed 2 or 3 months before the health card expires.If the renewal form is lost, you may print another copy of the form from ServiceOntario's website or go in person to the nearest ServiceOntario centre.
    • proof of Canadian citizenship
    • Ontario residency and personal identity

      Some ServiceOntario locations require an appointment, which may be booked online through ServiceOntario's website or call for more information.
  • Online - go to renewal page. Make sure you have:
    • your most recent health card
    • your current driver's licence
    • a valid credit card (Visa, Mastercard)
    • a printer to download and print your temporary documents

    To prove you renewed online, it's important that you download, print and carry the temporary document at the end of your transaction, until your new cards arrive in the mail.

    If you do not have access to a printer at the time of your renewal, you can download and save the temporary document and print it later.
An updated health card will be delivered within 4 to 6 weeks by mail.

Change of Address By law, an address update for an Ontario health card must be done within 30 days of a change of address.

You can choose from the following options:How to cancel an Ontario Health Card
  • For someone who is deceased, you can bring the health card into any ServiceOntario centre. You will also need a death certificate. If you do not have a death certificate, you can complete a Change of Information Form and return it by mail to ServiceOntario, PO Box 48, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 5J3. For more details, see
  • If you are moving outside of Ontario, provide ServiceOntario with your new address and date of move as soon as possible by
    • calling ServiceOntario
    • visting any ServiceOntario centre
    • filling out a Change of Information form and returning it by mail to ServiceOntario, PO Box 48, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 5J3
For more information about Health Cards, visit
Dates Year round
Eligibility Ontario resident; Under the age of 15 1/2 yrs or over the age of 80, the client may be able to mail in for a health card renewal and not have to visit a ServiceOntario centre. The renewal reminder will state the options available.
Application Call ServiceOntario for information; appropriate documents required.

Renewals: If you have not received or have misplaced your renewal form, you may go in person to your nearest ServiceOntario centre, or download the health card renewal application from ServiceOntario's website.

Children younger than 15½ years of age may be able to have their health card renewed by having their parent/guardian complete and sign the form on the back of the child's renewal notice, and returning it to ServiceOntario in the pre-addressed envelope that is included with the notice.

Most seniors 80 years of age and older may be able to renew their health card by mail. If this applies to you, please complete and sign the form on the back of your renewal notice and return it to ServiceOntario in the pre-addressed envelope that is included with the notice.
Languages English
Fees None

Location Information

Areas Served Ontario
Description (Site)

Various Locations

Address & Map
Physical Access Not Applicable

Agency Overview

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.