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Bruce County Bruce County
Grey County Grey County
Muskoka District Muskoka District
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Parry Sound District Parry Sound District
Peterborough County Peterborough County
Simcoe County Simcoe County
South Georgian Bay South Georgian Bay
South Simcoe South Simcoe
Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society’s Wheels of Hope volunteer driver program is looking for volunteer drivers to help residents in your community.

If you, or someone you know, is looking to fill some time in your day, love to drive and want to support people with cancer, please consider signing up to volunteer drive for the Wheels of Hope program.

As a volunteer driver, you can give the gift of a ride to people with cancer who need help getting to and from their life-saving cancer treatments and other appointments. Mileage reimbursement or tax receipt is provided.

Canadian Cancer Society
Grey and Bruce Counties

What are the volunteer requirements?

·         Monday to Friday availability. A half day a week or a few days a month ongoing preferably for at least six months. (The program is very flexible—they will work around your holidays and other commitments).

·         Valid driver license with three or less demerits and drive a 100% smoke-free vehicle.

·         Be willing to undergo a criminal background check and provide references.

It’s easy to sign up! Visit and click on Wheels of Hope.

For more information, please call 1-888-939-3333 or email us at