Recruitment Volunteers This role will focus on recruiting, retaining, and renewing participants.
Duties include:
Marketing and communications:
- Website
- Emails
- Phone calls
- Text messages
- Social media i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Strava
Launch and / or VIP parties (in-person or virtual)
Team Captain VIP program
Spokespeople i.e. athletes and people affected by vision loss
Fundraising Volunteers This role will focus on making fundraising easier for participants and increasing funds raised by participants.
Duties include:
Participant fundraising portal
Marketing and communications:
- Emails
- Phone calls
- Text messages
Top Fundraiser VIP program:
- Fundraising toolkit i.e. tips, email templates
- Incentive prizes and awards
- Sponsorship
Event Day Logistics This role will focus on event day logistics and ensuring that we provide participants with a premier event experience.
Duties include:
- Venue selection
- Route, rest stops, and rider chip tracking system
- Jersey design
- Volunteers
- Start line experience
- Finish line experience
- Securing auction and gift bag items (if applicable)