You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Catulpa Community Support Services, Orillia Common Roof, Family Resource Services

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Catulpa Community Support Services, Orillia Common Roof, Family Resource Services

Position Overview: Candidates must have a family member or loved one who has been supported by the Social Services Sector or be individuals receiving social services supports themselves. Candidates should be able to share personal insights to enhance the agency's responsiveness to the diverse needs of those it serves. This is a volunteer role.

Role & Time Commitment:

The Catulpa Community Support Services’ Board is responsible for effective governance of the agency through oversight of strategic planning, fiscal review and determination of mission-related policy.

It is not responsible for fundraising, personnel, programs, services, curricula or budgets. Volunteer Directors provide special skills and knowledge, (finance, law, social services, healthcare, etc.) within the Board setting.

Meetings take place in Barrie, Ontario six times annually for approximately three hours per meeting. Successful Board of Director applicants are appointed for a term of three years and provided a mentor.

To apply, visit Please attach a copy of the Board of Directors Application, along with your cover letter and resume explaining your interest in serving on the Catulpa Community Support Services Board of Directors. Individuals with disabilities and those from diverse backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply.

Catulpa Community Support Services, Orillia Common Roof, Family Resource Services