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There are 16 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordLa Clé, 63 Main St - Penetanguishene, Baby Needs Depot

Map RecordLa Clé, 63 Main St - Penetanguishene, Baby Needs DepotPenetanguishene Provides at no cost to families in need: * formula * baby food * a limited supply of diapers sizes Newborn-6

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - West St N, Emergency Baby Needs Depot

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Orillia - West St N, Emergency Baby Needs DepotOrillia Offers families in need of emergency baby supplies such as: * diapers * formula * baby food

Map RecordOrillia Pregnancy Resource Centre, Orillia

Map RecordOrillia Pregnancy Resource Centre, OrilliaOrillia Available by appointment for essential needs such as pregnancy tests, diapers, wipes and formula. Confidential services and resources for the centre include: * Providing education and information on f ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army Orillia Citadel (The), Orillia - Coldwater Rd W, Community and Family Services, Food Bank

Map RecordSalvation Army Orillia Citadel (The), Orillia - Coldwater Rd W, Community and Family Services, Food BankOrillia Service offered: * Food Bank * Clothing and furniture vouchers for the Thrift Store * Utility bill assistance * Free Birth Certificate Program * Emergency transportation * Community Outreach through ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Orillia Learning Centre Campus, Winter Coat Drive

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Orillia Learning Centre Campus, Winter Coat DriveOrillia 13th Annual Winter Coat Drive: * donations of gently used winter coats, any size, can be dropped off during regular business hours. * coats are needed in all sizes (infant, child, teen and adult), bu ... [More]

Map RecordSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul - Guardian Angels Conference, Orillia, Vinnies Children's Clothing

Map RecordSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul - Guardian Angels Conference, Orillia, Vinnies Children's ClothingOrillia Organization provides children's clothing and some adult clothing * also accepts clean gently used donations Clothing is available in Garage outside same hours as food bank.

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Emergency Baby Needs Depot, Midland

Map RecordEarlyON Child and Family Centre - Simcoe North, Emergency Baby Needs Depot, MidlandMidland Offers families in need of emergency baby supplies such as: * diapers * formula * baby food

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian Bay

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian BayCollingwood Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordTrinity United Church, Collingwood

Map RecordTrinity United Church, CollingwoodCollingwood Offers weekly Sunday worship service. Worship service available online. Also offers: * United Church Women's group * Friendly Visitors * monthly community dinner * small outdoor food box available * ... [More]

Map RecordBeausoleil Family Health Centre, Christian Island - Ogemaa Miikan, Healthy Babies & Healthy Children Program

Map RecordBeausoleil Family Health Centre, Christian Island - Ogemaa Miikan, Healthy Babies & Healthy Children ProgramBeausoleil First Nation This program assists aboriginal families to provide the best opportunities for healthy child development through home visits, service coordination, referrals to other service providers and a variety o ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In Services

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In ServicesBarrie Staff available to assist with: * bag lunch or emergency grocery bag - provided between 12pm-1pm * Hot Meal at dinner time - Daily 5pm-6pm * Case Management Support * hygiene supplies and seasonal cl ... [More]

Map RecordDress for Success, Barrie

Map RecordDress for Success, BarrieBarrie Program to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life, services include: ... [More]

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, Barrie

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, BarrieBarrie Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordProm Glitz, Barrie

Map RecordProm Glitz, BarrieBarrie Organization makes attending Grade 12 Prom and Grade 8 Graduation affordable by providing donated gowns to students needing support * Prom Glitz is run by volunteers to assist students find their per ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Community and Family Services

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Community and Family ServicesBarrie Back to Work Program * provides new or gently used work boots to individuals who have legitimate work offers (boots and sizes as available), call for information * usable work boots can be dropped of ... [More]

Map RecordSamaritan House

Map RecordSamaritan HouseBarrie Transitional Housing: * Affordable, secure housing and support services for women and children who have been affected by domestic violence * Separate, fully furnished family apartments and shared ind ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.