You performed a search for: Music Instruction

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There are 6 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, Various Locations - Barrie, Midland and Orillia, Instrumental Music Programs

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, Various Locations - Barrie, Midland and Orillia, Instrumental Music ProgramsSimcoe County Guitar, Ukulele, and Violin music programs for children and youth. Held at various locations in Barrie, Midland and Orillia.

Jennifer Cooling Music Studio, Orillia, Music Lessons

 Jennifer Cooling Music Studio, Orillia, Music LessonsOrillia Express yourself through guitar and other musical instruments

Map RecordOrillia Music Centre

Map RecordOrillia Music CentreOrillia Studio is open to students of all ages. Certified music instructors offer comprehensive music programs through Music Pups and Music for Young Children. Private lessons are available for piano, guitar, ... [More]

Therien (Terry), Orillia

 Therien (Terry), OrilliaOrillia An accomplished pianist, singer, music teacher and musical director. Terry's teaching studio is bustling with young people and adults learning piano, voice and theory. Royal Conservatory and other cur ... [More]

Map RecordOntario Registered Music Teachers Association, Barrie Branch, No Physical Address

Map RecordOntario Registered Music Teachers Association, Barrie Branch, No Physical AddressBarrie Member teachers offer qualified instruction in voice, piano and theory, violin, plus Royal Conservatory and/or Canada Conservatory exam preparation * meetings held either in-person or via zoom and in ... [More]

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical Address

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical Address  A grassroots, volunteer-led, charitable organization working to disrupt the cycle of poverty by empowering children and youth to realize their full potential by providing programs that support their ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.