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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 21 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordAssociation of Ontario Doulas, No Physical Address

Map RecordAssociation of Ontario Doulas, No Physical AddressToronto Provide emotional and physical support for women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum * Maintain a listing of Doulas in communities across Ontario * Members of Association o ... [More]

Map RecordBRIA Mental Healthcare, Online

Map RecordBRIA Mental Healthcare, OnlineToronto Provides a virtual mental health clinic for women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant, postpartum or perimenopausal. Services offered: * individual therapy * couples therapy * supportive partne ... [More]

Map RecordMom's 4 Mom's Doula Services, No Physical Address

Map RecordMom's 4 Mom's Doula Services, No Physical AddressOro-Medonte Birth and postpartum doula, services inlcude: * Prenatal/Labour/Birth non-medical support * Postpartum support including daytime and overnight shifts, infant feeding, nurturing, care and sleep trainin ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicOrillia Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordLa Leche League Canada, Orillia

Map RecordLa Leche League Canada, OrilliaOrillia International nonprofit organization that: * promotes breastfeeding * offers up-to-date information on breastfeeding * accredited leaders * parent-to-parent help and support * lending library * open d ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Native Women's Group

Map RecordOrillia Native Women's GroupOrillia Programs and services include: * Prenatal classes * nutrition information * traditional birth * traditional parenting * breastfeeding support * hospital/home visit * community kitchens * parenting gro ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Birthing Preparation Program, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Birthing Preparation Program, Orillia - 170 Colborne St WOrillia Offers a birthing prep program for expectant mothers to ensure that they are prepared for childbirth. Services include: * preparation for admission to hospital * tour of the unit with a nurse * prepar ... [More]

Map RecordPregnancy, Birth and Beyond

Map RecordPregnancy, Birth and BeyondOrillia Prenatal education classes for second or third trimester of pregnancy (28-35 weeks). Three weeks of classes - three consecutive. Material provided on first night. Can bring anyone to classes. Classes ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Healthy Babies Healthy Children ProgramOrillia Free and voluntary (with client consent) program providing home visiting services to pregnant individuals and families with children from birth to school transition who may benefit from additional su ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Parenting Support

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Parenting SupportOrillia Provide a variety of supports to help parents raise healthy children, including: Health Connection * help callers with answers to questions about healthy growth and development, child behaviour, safet ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Prenatal Classes

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Orillia Branch - 169 Front St S, Prenatal ClassesOrillia Free in-person and online prenatal classes In-Person Classes: * Labour and Birth (labour, comfort techniques, medical procedures) * After Baby is Born (breastfeeding, newborn care, postpartum) * Meet ... [More]

Map RecordMidland Midwives By the Bay, Chigamik-Waypoint Community Health Hub

Map RecordMidland Midwives By the Bay, Chigamik-Waypoint Community Health HubMidland Provides care to women during pregnancy, labour and birth and the postpartum. Labour and birth care includes complete management and attendance and support throughout the entire labour and birth. Birt ... [More]

Map RecordCollingwood General and Marine Hospital

Map RecordCollingwood General and Marine HospitalCollingwood Hospital providing the following services: * Emergency department * Dialysis * Orthopaedic surgery * Psychiatry and community mental health services (by referral) * Obstetrics/gynaecology includes chi ... [More]

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian Bay

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian BayCollingwood Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Rama - Yellowhead Trail

Map RecordRama Health Centre, Rama - Yellowhead TrailChippewas of Rama First Nation Services include: * Dr. Rachael Sheppard MD, CCFP (available Thursday) * immunizations * chiropody clinic (available Tuesday and Thursday) * dietitian (weekly) * naturopath (monthly) * massage therapi ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie and Community Family Health Team, Barrie Primary Care Campus, Prenatal and Well Baby Clinic

Map RecordBarrie and Community Family Health Team, Barrie Primary Care Campus, Prenatal and Well Baby ClinicBarrie Provides prenatal and well baby care for women and children (up to the age of 6 years) without a family doctor in the Barrie area * Offers one on one breastfeeding support provided by an International ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicBarrie Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Midwives

Map RecordBarrie MidwivesBarrie Provides primary care to women during pregnancy, labour and birth, including conducting normal vaginal deliveries and providing care to mothers and babies during the first six weeks postpartum * in On ... [More]

Map RecordCBI Home Health

Map RecordCBI Home HealthBarrie Offer rehabilitation, physical and mental health services in clinic, clients homes, community settings, and remotely through virtual care / telehealth * Interdisciplinary team * Provide the following ... [More]

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, Barrie

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, BarrieBarrie Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordFull Circle Lactation Services

Map RecordFull Circle Lactation ServicesBarrie Telephone, virtual and in home prenatal and postpartum breastfeeding services provided by a Registered nurse/Lactation Consultant. Telephone and virtual consults can be provided to any Ontario residen ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.