The Sharing Place Food Centre

Service: The Sharing Place Food Bank, Orillia


Office Phone 705-327-4273
Social Media Facebook Facebook, Instagram Instagram
Primary Contact Nastasha McGillivray, Member Services Coordinator; Phone: ext 102; Email:
Alternate Contact David Goodfellow, Operations Manager; Phone: ext 101; Email:
Hours Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30 am-2:30 pm * Tue 4:30 pm-7:30 pm
Food and Financial Donations: Mon, Wed-Fri 9 am-4 pm * Tue 9 am-7 pm
Please call ahead regarding large food donations to ensure the capacity to process them. When making donations and door is locked, use buzzer Please call ahead regarding large food donations to ensure the capacity to process them. When making donations and door is locked, use buzzer

Description and Service

Description (Service) Provides a six-day emergency supply of healthy food once a month to families and individuals who identify as food insecure.
Family members receiving food are welcome to bring their own bags to carry food home.
Eligibility No restrictions
  • Drop in during regular hours
  • The Food Bank requires valid physical copies of Identification for each member of the family, including children. Visit online
    for a list of accepted identification.
  • Financial donations may be made in person or online by visiting the website. Click on the Donate Now icon and donate by credit card through Canada Helps.
  • Languages English
    Fees None

    Location Information

    Areas Served Orillia ; Oro-Medonte ; Ramara ; Severn
    Description (Site) Cross street: West St and Colborne St
    Located In Community Orillia
    Address & Map
    95 Dufferin St S
    Orillia, ON
    Canada L3V 5S9
    View Google Map
    Mailing Address 95 Dufferin St S 
    Orillia, ON 
    Canada L3V 5S9
    Physical Access Fully Accessible

    Agency Overview

    Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Orillia cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.