You performed a search for:

  • Site name: Barrie - Maple Ave
  • Organization: Elizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka
There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple AveBarrie To prevent and reduce homelessness, criminalization, marginalization, racialization, and poverty by addressing systemic causes through advocacy and services Elizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka envis ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Jail Visitation

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Jail VisitationBarrie A trained facilitator visits Central North Correctional Centre on Wednesday and Thursday * to assist incarcerated women and gender diverse individuals with reintegration * to offer counselling * to p ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Joyce Kope House

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Joyce Kope HouseBarrie An emergency shelter for women and gender diverse individuals experiencing homelessness and half-way house for women and gender diverse individuals under supervision of Ministry of the Solicitor Gene ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Volunteer Program

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Volunteer ProgramBarrie Volunteers are provided general and specific training depending on the role

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